No Code Founders | Build an online business with no code
70+ Video Courses
Used by over 29,000 founders + businesses
Founder Operating System

Build an online business with no code

The world's #1 no-code community. Everything you need to learn how to build an online business without code, and the people to help you get there.

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Emmanuel Straschnov
Emmanuel Straschnov
"NCF is one of the best founder communities out there. NCF has brought together high-caliber, collaborative, and engaged founders building great businesses with no-code"

What is No Code Founders?

Stop wasting time trying things that never work. Learn how to build an online business without code (regardless of what stage you're at) and connect with other founders and learn from their experiences.

Learn No-code
New no-code courses added every week, plus access 1000+ tutorials, guides and our Q&A Slack community
Learn Business
Access 7-hours of video course content and guides on the exact steps on how to build an online business that makes money
Connect with Founders
Get access to 2x founder communities, weekly networking sessions, brainstorming, workshops and events

Membership in a nutshell

Access courses on popular no-code tools, plus 2 business courses on lean business practices, sales, marketing, automation, AI and more
Networking + Workshops
Meet other founders in weekly networking, brainstorming, ideation + feedback sessions and attend monthly expert workshops
Slack Q&A
Get your no-code questions answered by other no-coders, with experts across 100s of tools
Exclusive content
1000+ business ideas, 1000+ tutorials, interviews with no-code founders, business guides and more

Network + Learn

Connect with other no-code founders. Get feedback on your ideas. Learn how to use no-code tools. Learn business principles. Succeed faster

"One of the few founder communities that actually work!"
CEO at Zeroqode
Vlad Larin
"In less than two months, I made $3935 from one client"
Founder of TLDW
Mariel Vargas
"Brought my No Code knowledge to a whole new level!"
New Business at Clarify
Tobias Braam
Comprehensive Courses
Unlock 30+ curated no-code courses, plus two original courses focused on creating lean, profitable businesses. These courses encompass topics such as no-code development, bootstrapping, productivity, and effective sales strategies.
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Q&A Slack Community
Get your no-code questions answered with our Slack community of over 5,000 no-code experts.
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$50k credits for no-code tools
Cut your startup costs in half with access to hundreds of exclusive perks and credits on popular no-code tools. Including $500 Bubble credit, £500 Airtable credit and a whopping £15k of waived Stripe fees.
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Weekly workshops
Meet new founders every week with sessions for networking, brainstorming, feedback, ideation, co-working and more. We also host monthly workshops with guest speakers who are experts in their domain
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Tool Directory
Our Tools directory is the most comprehensive no-code tool directory in the world, with over 42,000 tools. Browse by the type of tool, the type of business you want to build, and even what tools they integrate with.
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Your own resource library
Get access to 1000+ business ideas, 1000+ tutorials, interviews with no-code founders, business guides and more. Everything you need to grow your business quickly.
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